QuickView+ FAQs

How do I sign up for QuickView+?

Click SignUp for QuickView+ and fill out the form, or send a letter with the same information to

Thomson West
P.O. Box 64833
St. Paul, MN 55164-1803

Is there any charge for QuickView+?

No. QuickView+ is a free service to our customers.

Is QuickView+ a secure Web site?

Yes. QuickView+ uses a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol to ensure the confidentiality of the information.

Can everyone in my firm use QuickView+?

No. Only those users requested by the firm to have access may use QuickView+.

Do I need to use the QuickView Conversion Program or Fixed Rate Calculator with QuickView+?

No. The features of these programs have been built into the service.

How long is usage information kept on QuickView+?

Usage information is available for the current month, as well as for the previous six months.

How do I download my usage report?

Read the Help information for QuickView+ .  

How do I import my usage report into a spreadsheet?

Select one of the following download formats: Spreadsheet , Delimited Or Non-Delimited (fixed width) .   Spreadsheet format allows the report to be opened in any spreadsheet program. If you prefer to control the fields that are imported, choose Delimited Or Non-Delimited (fixed width) then follow the import procedures for your spreadsheet program.

How can I print my usage report?

You can print to a West supplied Stand-Alone printer or use the Print feature of your Web browser. See Help for more information.

How can I create my own usage report type?

Read the Help information for Report Formats .  

How do I create an account group?

Read the Help information for Account Groups .  

Whom do I contact if I have a question about QuickView+?

Call 1-800-328-4880 to speak to a Customer Service representative about QuickView+ or click Feedback to send an E-Mail message.

If you have a question about your bill, call 1-800-328-4880, or visit <a href="https://legal.thomsonreuters.com/en/support">Customer Service on the Web</a> for answers to common questions. CustomerService@tr.com.

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